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    How Long Does Alcohol Stay In Your Blood ?

    How Can You Know How Much Time Alcohol Need to Disappear from Your Blood?

    How Long Does Alcohol Stay In Your Blood? It depends on many different factors. The alcohol that you consume will be break in your body metabolism system. Then it will be absorbed into your blood system. And, to make it completely disappear from your body, it will need around one hour per one unit of alcohol. This unit is what you need to know to find more about the time your body need to clean your blood from alcohol.

    The Unit

    One unit that we use here is equal to 10 ml or 8 grams of pure 100% alcohol. Therefore, if we have to compare it with the alcohol beverage, here is the explanation.

    ·  A standard serving glass of a typical-strength wine has 2.1 units.
    ·  Large glass of a typical-strength wine has 3 units.
    ·  Pint of weak lager, whether it is beer or cider has 2 units.
    ·  Pint of strong lager, whether it is beer or cider has 3 units.
    ·  Single serving sized of spirits has 1 unit.

    By looking at that list above, you know How Long Does Alcohol Stay In Your Blood. For example, if you drink large glass of average strength wine, which has 3 units, alcohol will stay around 3 hours. Of course, you can multiple it, if you drink more than that.

    Alcohol Breakdown

    The thing that you must understand here, the time that mentioned above is only determining how long the alcohol stay in the blood system. But, to make it disappear, there are other factors that affect. For example, how much you drink, your gender, age and your body metabolism condition will make it faster or slower. The food that you eat also has big effect in helping your body to breakdown the alcohol in your blood system. If you consider all of these factors, you can determine How Long Does Alcohol Stay In Your Blood exactly.

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